23 07, 2016
  • Gesundheitsmesse Vortrag Janina Lakhal

Aromafreestyle- more free energy for your growth! – Janina Lakhal

This essential lifestyle ensures that you right occur in your life. Wether you practise Yoga, celebrate meditation or do your job. Essential oils of authentic quality flow into your life, awake you, inspire you and set you free. In this lecture we present essential drops and ancient knowledge about the intelligent vitality of nature. Furthermore you will have the possibility to get concrete indications by an effective handheld scanner which oil is now exactly the right one for you.

10 08, 2016
  • EWAC Yoga mit Rita Keller

Ayurveda and Yoga – the 5 elements in Yoga – Rita Keller

Basierend auf ihrem Vortrag wird Rita Keller im nachfolgenden Yoga Unterricht (14:15 - 15:45 Uhr) zeigen wie die 5 Elemente und die Kosmologie der Samkhya Philosophie a) unser Üben bestimmen und b) wie wir aktiv die 5 Elemente einsetzen können um ein Ungleichgewicht ins uns auszugleichen.

4 08, 2016
  • EWAC Fachkongress-Lothar Pirc

Basics of Ayurveda and practical tips for home – Lothar Pirc


3 06, 2016

Vedicare – Ayurvedic Food Supplements – Lecture with Claire Laleve

How they act, when and how to take them, how to mix them?

1 08, 2016

Ayurveda – one year concept for regeneration for generation plus 40 – Petra Tsekos

Beyond the 40, when we feel in the morning sometimes a little stiff, rather take the elevator and the pants no longer fit, we would like to do something for our health and fitness before a serious diagnosis is made.

22 06, 2016

Raw! Healthy and fit with superfood and in the rhythem of Ayurveda – Kirstin Knufmann

Enjoy consciously and awake new energy! With delicious raw-vegan tasting.

14 06, 2016

Where do I find heart reflections on my body? – Nguyên Thi Thiêt

To be in the heart, to live in the heart, to be guided by ones intuition is something very natural and kids exemplify this. They are in the heart, follow their feelings, follow their intuition and are just happy. In this lecture you get an instruction how to strengthen your heart energy.

18 07, 2016

How can Ayurveda give responses to the challenges of present time? – Julia Lang

Ayurveda bedeutet, die Erfordernisse der Zeit, des Ortes und der individuellen Persönlichkeit zu berücksichtigen und in diesem Sinne Rezepturen und Behandlungen zu entwickeln, die den heutigen Gegebenheiten gerecht werden.

16 09, 2016

Vedic Wisdom & Meditation – Yogi Dinesh Kashikar from Indien

Dinesh Kashikar teaches Yoga & Meditation with joy, lightness and a big smile which spreads to every face. He conveys the timeless wisdom of Yoga in a humorous yet profound way. In the talk Kashi will give deep insights in the vedic wisdom and make it easy to experience.

24 07, 2016
  • EWAC Lecture by Atharva Nature Healthcare

Atharva Head Massage oil in insomnia and stress management – Dr. Sukumar Sardeshmukh

Dr Sukumar Sardeshmukh is the 11th generation Ayurvedic Physician and expert in pulse diagnosis. He has been practicing and treating various patients since 2006 in India as well as abroad.