29 07, 2016

Tridosha Yoga lesson – Julia Lang

In this careful Yoga lesson we pratice 3 Dosha Asanas and we take the time to really feel their energetic effects.

15 03, 2016
  • Yoga for Eldery and Sadhana/Abhyasa with Prof. Amândio Figueiredo

Yoga for Eldery and Sadhana/Abhyasa – Prof. Amândio Figueiredo


12 08, 2016

Five Tibetans® – Dieter Gurkasch

The knowledge of the tantric techniques to increase and control the human energy flows has almost got lost in the centuries of foreign rule in India. In Tibetan monasteries these techniques were preserved and based on this tradition the simple and for people of all ages easy to practice but most effective energyrites of the Five Tibetan® originate.

9 10, 2016
  • European Yoga Instittute

Hatha Yoga – Feroze Kahn

The Hatha Yoga is the most exciting, hardworking and effective yoga class consisting of 26 postures (Asanas) and 2 breathings exercises (Pranayama and kapalbhati) designed to warm and stretch every muscle, ligaments and tendons, in the order in which they should be stretched and to move fresh oxygenated blood to your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order.

24 09, 2016

Mit Lachyoga heiter, fit und entspannt – Gisela Dombrowsky

Über Atem-, Dehn- und Entspannungsübungen bereiten wir den Körper auf das Lachen vor. Lachyoga-Übungen bringen die Teilnehmer/Innen spielerisch ins Lachen. Sie erfahren die entspannende Wirkung einer Lachmeditation und lernen einfache Übungen, die bequem in den beruflichen und privaten Alltag integriert werden können. Lachen Sie wie schon lange nicht mehr!

30 05, 2016

Power Yoga, Vinyasa Stil – Katie Dixon

Sweating, exertion but lots of fun ...

15 +16
15 08, 2016

Sound and Yin Yoga workshop – Livia Gurkasch and Elke Schenkmann

A wonderful experience & genuine highlight: YOGA and SOUND come together!

16 06, 2016
  • EWAC - Yoga mit Shanti Grit Wade

Yin Yoga for Vata disorders – Shanti Grit Wade

Today we live in a time characterised by a dominant Yang lifestyle with much activity and overstimulation. The consequences are permanent stress, insomnia, digestive problems and the frequent feeling of being burnt out – all together symptoms of a Vata disorder.

20 06, 2016

Satva in Motion – Bhakti-Yoga & Flow – Kai Treude

A joyfull Yoga unit to the fullness of life. Hatha Yoga and Flow elements accentuated and accompanied by Mantras & live music.