12 10, 2016

Prof Elio Giovanni Rossi

Director of the Homeopathic Clinic of Campo di Marte Hospital of Health Unit no 2, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Lecture

6 10, 2016

His Excellency Manjeev Singh Puri

Ambassador of India to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg Lecture

30 09, 2016

Vaidya Janesh

Author and Managing director of Vaidya's Ayurveda Hospital, Kerala, India Lecture

6 07, 2016

Learning from the best!

At the scientific congress of EWAC # 2 you will meet leading researchers, doctors and therapists from around the world to exchange information about Ayurveda. Learn about new research findings and long-standing traditions to current developments and opportunities of integration of Ayurveda in Western health systems. Listeners can expect high-level speakers from Europe, the US [...]

6 07, 2016

Prof Dr Madhaw Singh Baghel

Ex-AYUSH Professor & Chair of Ayurveda, University of Debrecen, Hungary. Ex Director, IPGT & RA (Institute for Postgraduate Teaching Research in Ayurveda), Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar Lecture

7 03, 2016

Prof Dr Goda Denapiene

Associate Professor, Clinic of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology and Surgery, Vilnius University; Lecturer, Ayurvedic Academy Lithuania Lecture This lecture focuses on review and analysis of facts from scientific databases concerning evidence based Ayurvedic concepts of health, diseases pathogenesis and treatment. Nowadays we already have data, that differentiates between various types of Prakriti correlating [...]

28 04, 2016

Dr Anitha Balachander

Director Operations, Jammi Pharmaceuticals, Jammi Building, 121, Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai 6000 004, India Lecture Evidence for Hepatitis B Virus Replication Inhibition in Human Hepatoma HuH7 Cells

19 03, 2016

Dr. Ellil Parambath 
Jeevan, B.A.M.S

Founder & Director, Ayurveda CARE, Pelham 6, 83093 Bad Endorf, Bavaria, Germany Lecture Opportunities for Integrating Ayurvedic Approaches and Solutions in a Modern Medical Practice

19 03, 2016

Dr Harsha Gramminger MD

Abschluss als Ingenieurin für Produktionstechnik, Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre, Abschluss Studium der Humanmedizin an den Universitäten Hamburg 1986. 3 jährige Ausbildung in Ayurveda Medizin bei Prof. Pratibh Debnath vom Ayurvedic Roy State College (Kolkata / Indien), Studium + Praxis verschiedenster Meditationstechniken in der Osho Commune in Pune / Indien In Italien Assistenzärztin, Zusatzausbildung in Psychotherapie, Ausbildung in Yogamassage und anderen Massagetechniken nach K. Modak, Ausbildung in verschiedenen CAM Therapien. Seit 2000 eigene Praxisklinik für Ayurveda Medizin und Panchakarma Kuren in Deutschland, Leiterin und Dozentin der Ayurveda-Ausbildungen an der Euroved-Akademie, seit 2007 Präsidentin der EUAA (European Ayurveda Association e.V.) und Vizepräsidentin der ANME. Autorin der beliebten Buch – Trilogie „New Age Ayurveda“ (Basics, Mein Handbuch, Mein Kochbuch).

28 04, 2016

Maja Kolarević

Institut Anahata, Institut za Medicinisko Antropologijo in Ayurvedo, Ob Ribniku 81, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Lecture